
Affichage des articles du avril, 2023

Guinea May Soon be Added to the Map of the Sahel Region

  Understanding Forest Area Changes in Guinea and Senegal in 2020 , by Francois Phopho Kamano, Global Data Analyst. Forests play a vital role in supporting the planet's biodiversity, regulating the climate, and providing livelihood for millions of people worldwide. However, the world's forests are facing unprecedented threats due to deforestation, climate change, and human activities that continue to degrade their quality and quantity. This article focuses on the forest area changes in Guinea and Senegal in 2020, as reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). According to the FAO, Guinea experienced a negative net forest area change of -0.594% in 2020, while Senegal recorded a -0.483% change. These figures imply that both countries experienced a decline in their forest areas in 2020, and the negative changes are an alarming sign that needs urgent attention from policymakers and decision-makers. One possible reason for the decrease in for...